Montag, 19. Dezember 2011

Mal was Geistiges

So Mädels...

Ich bin ja bekanntermaßen (wer mich kennt, weiß es ;) )
Ein totaler Fan von passenden Songtexten und hm.. ich kannte den Sonst schon etwas länger aber ich hab grad erst wirklich mal auf die Lyrics geschaut.
Ich muss sagen.. für die Tour passt es perfekt.

Und an alle die ähnlich ticken wie ich... also das Beste aus allem machen und immer das Gefühl haben, in schweren Situationen einfach weg zu wollen, alles hinter sich zu lassen und frei und weit weg sein wollen.
Denen kann ich das Video empfehlen :)

Leute... MICH wird niemand unter kriegen! 

Es sprich mir sooo aus der Seele ;)

Und nochmal zum mitlesen:

Fast, on a rough road riding
High, through the mountains climbing
twisting, turning further from my home.
Young, like a new moon rising
Fierce, through the rain and lightning
Wandering out into this great unknown.

And I don't want no one to cry.
But, tell 'em if I don't survive

I was born free!
I was born free
I was born free, born free.

Free, like a river raging
Strong as the wind I’m facing.
Chasing dreams and racing father time.
Deep like the grandest canyon,
Wild like an untamed stallion.
If you can’t see my heart you must be blind.

You can knock me down and watch me bleed
But you can’t keep no chains on me.

I was born free!
I was born free
I was born free, born free.

And I'm not good at long goodbyes
But look down deep into my eyes
I was born free.

Calm, facing danger
Lost, like an unknown stranger
Grateful for my time with no regrets

Close to my destination
Tired, frail and aching
Waiting patiently for the sun to set

And when it's done, believe that I
will yell it from that mountain high

I was born free
I was born free
I was born free, born free

I will bow to the shining sea
And celebrate God's grace on thee 

Nur gut und passen!
Das wird mein Motto für die Tour!

And that "Mountain" will be reached!!! :D